Melissa Lago

Astrology Teacher


From $1/minute Readings To Online Courses, $400 Packages and Beyond

When Melissa started working with me, she had casually been offering readings to friends and family with a low-cost/low-investment approach. However, this cosmic butterfly had been immersed in the world of astrology for over 12 years and she had so much to share. She was ready to take things to the next level, but something wasn't quite working in the way she was offering readings.

Turns out, Melissa didn't want to be someone's astro fortune teller. She wanted to empower others with one of the most powerful tools for self-development and self-knowing. Together, we reshaped her offering and launched her new website and online course.


A Healing Journey Through The Family Constellation

After "coming out" about astrology many years ago, Melissa experienced a real disconnect from her southern, conservative Christian family members and received some personal critiques, as you can imagine. However, Melissa felt more strongly than ever that the cosmos was her guiding light. In our initial sessions, Melissa confirmed that this was her work. Through meditation, she was able to soften to those who might "disagree" and open conversation while continuing to share a comprehensive view for the human condition, just like the zodiac aims to do. This new approach allowed Melissa to post publicly and be free from the reactions of others. 

Showing Up Online

To share her ideas, Melissa began posting videos to Facebook every Tuesday sharing astrology wisdom and her own musings, as well as offering sessions. While she was still a bit anxious and wasn't sure what the result would be, she kept going anyway. After two weeks of video posting, Melissa connected with her dream client(someone interested in learning astrology instead of getting a reading) and sold her first astrology package before we had even launched the site!




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Brand Story

Melissa's client feels lost and confused about making decisions. Perhaps they want to find their own path and way, but don't know where to start. Astrology offers a steadfast navigation system.

While Melissa don’t promise to have the key to your answers, she will guide you back to yourself by using the timeless tool of the stars. Melissa helps her clients feel into their chart with equal parts science and magic. She provides a space for listening and opening while teaching the system of Astrology.

Ultimately, you'll take the leap into this body of knowledge as your own personal practice and experience life in a new way.

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My favorite part of working with Melissa was putting together this beautiful guide.
Most content, graphics, and charts in the astro world is a hodge-podged of conflicting visual styles and colors. We made every graphic ourselves so that they are easy to read and stylistically aligned.


The Free Online Course includes Flashcards, A Self-Study Guide, & A Set Of Emails from Melissa!

The Outcome of Shining Her Soul

Melissa free astrology course in the bomb. It includes Flashcards, A Self-Development Guide, & A Series of Emails. I made it and I still work through it and play with the cards nearly every week. Thanks to this lead magnet; Melissa has grown her list by over 2000% since launching in May of 2019.

These are the tangible results and the soulful benefits are equally staggering. Melissa shows up courageously every week with amazing video content to wow the Facebook world, and she knows even more deeply who she is a teacher and a human being. There is such a grounded presentation and deep approach to everything she shares. I can't wait to watch Melissa continue to attract her dream clients and soul-aligned collaborations!


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