by Maya Night
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Remembering Your Purpose Has Never Been More Divine


hi love,


Who is the Muse? The Muse is you. The Muse is also ancient.

All of your striving, all of your trying, all of your “niche-branding” can gradually disappear in the container of this experience.

You don’t need another entrepreneurial webinar or a content calendar. You just need to remember HER.

As the Muse, you no longer need someone to inspire you, because you remember what it’s like to be the Wind, the Earth, the Air. You become her who has always been.

You become an Oracle for Truth on this planet.

Jealousy, comparison, and large amounts of depressive energy fall away.

In Embody The Muse, you turn on a tap that is your ever present resource in this life. Your Connection To The Muse.

You’ll start to speak in your own kind of poetry. The way you move will become effortless; the rhythm to which you flows, one-of-a-kind.

You want this process to be easy AND you want this process to be challenging. That’s what I’m here for.


i’m Maya.


I share this work because, in my younger years, a lack of self-expression turned into a dark depression.

My fear of being in the spotlight in conflict with my desire to be seen by others exploded into a spiral of self-destruct. (Watch the video to feel into that with me.)

Dancing, writing, creating helped me come alive again to find my own kind of magick... and it also fundamentally changed my business.


this course is for creative humans.

If you have a pulse, creativity is in you.

  • If you are an entrepreneur who struggles with depression and feeling alone on
    your path

  • 1f you want a clear vision/voice for your brand and your desires

  • Entrepreneurs who want to turn marketing from soul-less work into creative flow

  • The Inner Artist who needs space and time to play

  • The yogi in you who wants to meditate/practice daily with other women

  • Your Goddess Archetype who loves to shine as the most vibrant, luminous version of you 


our tools

Your life story is where we begin. Your desires, the themes, symbols, and stars echo your purpose. Once we get them on paper, it becomes so clear.

Visualization is the key to getting what you want. Our guided practices will open your third eye and help you create your dreams

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With a focus on intuitive movement and breath, we tap into Source and your embodied Archetypes. Be prepared to open the flood gates of creative FLOW.


In the final module, we’ll consider how you apply all of this to your life/brand/business as we go through our life eulogy.

here’s the real story.

For a long time, I thought I was successful because of how “good” I was at my job.

Now, I understand that people were attracted to me because of the energy I exude, the boldness I feel, my willingness to keep showing up, and the vulnerability that I gift to others just by being.

Embody The Muse allows you to embrace to cultivate an energy that mesmerizing and magnetizes by embracing your shadow and blessing the world with honesty.


how it works


All you have to do is show up and open the channel. Sessions are channeled moments for soul-access; they do not feel like work.

AND they will likely bring up some serious shit and call for a huge life change, so be prepared.


Delivered right to your inbox M-F for 4 weeks in easy to follow audio and video format.


This course is different because while it is an online course. It’s also a community with 1:1 support. There’s truly nothing like it.

Let your brilliance be reflected back to you through group calls and a personalized session with me(a $555 value).

what you get


4 weeks of video content

5 Daily Practices M-F for 21 Days
Delivered to your inbox
Also available to you for replay through Thinkific forever



what to expect

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We work specifically on your fear of showing up by embracing the shadow and getting really intimate with grief and loss. This is deep mind-set work and you will be challenged.

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You’ll understand your unique story and your message in a way that feels clarifying and authentic PLUS you get to practice your new voice on our calls.

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Channel the Muse in you and the essence that she wants to bring. This group will encourage you to be your most wild and self-expressed!

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Create content(blogs, videos, posts) that actually inspire you, encourage conversations. Let creation fill you up… instead of sucking your soul.


client love


Before meeting Maya, I struggled with the steps to move my voice and writing forward.  During Embody the Muse, I immediately felt connected to the writing prompts, reflections, and shared space with other group members. I felt seen and heard in a way that helped me affirm my creativity and essence. 

Working with Maya is like receiving soul notes from the heavens – she embodies playful and soulful energy that nurtures vulnerability and trust and helps me cut out all the noise around decision-making. She’s great at holding space and guides me deeper to air out my insides and reimagine a more fulfilling life. 

As a result, I gained more confidence to go deeper with my storytelling, received more clarity about my book outline and messaging, and where to focus my efforts. I’m now completing a 20-page booklet offering to build my social media channels and exposure for my book.

Sadiqua Hamdan, Freedom Writer

When I started Embody The Muse, I was extremely depressed and overwhelmed. I knew I should be showing on social media and building my personal brand, because I just felt like I couldn’t.

What I learned through this practice is that I need to create space. When I create that space, ideas come to me like crazy. There were moments of clarity when my whole life made sense and I knew clearly what I’m supposed to do, like light beams of information coming through.

Through the process, I have added more tools to my tool box. I’m able to see the whole picture. I feel so much more in-tune with myself and find it easier to connect with other people and be in the present moment.

Meghan, Graphic Designer


maybe you’re thinking,

It’s not the investment for me right now or I’ll do this next time.

You could…

a | Keep doing what you’re doing
You will likely continue to run through life disconnected, drained, and uninspired.

b | Look into your soul
See what’s already there, step into this practice and your highest Self by joining us.

You don’t need to go through a spiritual transformation to become “her”.
She has been there all along.

Together, we magnify your magic and reawaken your true purpose.

embody the muse