by Maya Night

A 7-day Journey To Embodied Being


I know you’re ready for this.

For all of your cells, organs, body, heart, and mind to be integrated in a transformative practice.

Your body has a language all of it’s own.

One that we will hone in this experience, so that you can access parts of yourself that you didn’t even know were there.

To transmit your embodied truth to the world more authentically.

This isn’t about becoming “more artistic” or even “more self-expressed”.

This is about finding a way to move through life that is more honest, trustworthy and magnetic.

So that you can show your depth of presence to the world.

Art by Maya Night

Art by Maya Night

I’ve seen you.

You are SO in your body.

You do your practices. You dance. You meditate. You journal.

You even coach people with this work.

And yet, you see how intellectualize your own process all the time and now you simply want to…

Prove this vibration by being it more deeply in your body

Access your divine intelligence in every moment

Explore yourself in away that is deep/rich/sexy and simple

Ground your high energy/angelic frequency into the 3d

Actually influence the way that you teach, coach, share, write, talk, walk, dress and beyond

This is a next level process.


We live in a culture that prioritizes the intellect.

We communicate the our deep work primarily with our mouths; we use talk therapy/coaching and intense verbal processing to qualify our experience.

While our throat chakra integrates our head and our heart,

the body often gets left out.

It’s sad, because this is where most of experiences live.

Muse Alchemy is a complete language of the movement by which we can express more fully, connect more deeply and call in the next version of ourSelves with clarity and inspiration!


After practicing yoga and dance for almost 10 years, I was cravvvinnnggg something deeper. I couldn’t find a system that met me on my levels - heart, mind, body or a group of people who could commune in these ways.

I did a bunch of different trainings/workshops in a variety of movement modalities and I combined the basics of many systems into something that feels universally true.

I practiced it. Refined it. Taught it to hundreds of people and now I’m offering this to you.

So that we can spread this magick even further!



7 Elemental Embodiment Practices

that’s it & that’s all you need.



Day 1 | what your body is actually saying

We’ll begin by observing the space you’re currently holding so that we can alchemize over the week using an essential body-based approach.

 Day 2 | hold yourself - expand your presence

How you hold your physical form, your posture, greatly affects how you hold your truth. When you enter a room, are you communicating your truth through your presence?

 Day 3 | move like the muse

We’ll look at how you walk thru life, how you move in your business; we’ll transform your embodied patterns to delicately invoke new ways of being.

 Day 4 | heart magnetism thru your voice

Yes, your throat chakra transmutes your heart into the world. On this day, we’ll refine your expression thru your voice and song, as we turn what the body has to say into a visual poetry.

 Day 5 | the dance of polarity

Tantra, divine union, cosmic connection - emerges from a limited state of polarity. In this incredible module, learn how to transmute your relationships with people, money, and business with movement.

 Day 6 | muse invocation

Who is this next self? What does she want? How does she look? How does she create? We’ll call her in and integrate this archetype with who you are right now. The Muse is here. Invite her.

Day 7 | advanced shadowwork & grief

50% of our life experience is darkness. In the age of lightwork, we often forget this. We’ll place a huge emphasis on mourning the loss of past versions, so that you can welcome in a new, ineffable essence.

Investment $222


How do I know if Muse Alchemy is for me?

Muse Alchemy was created for you if you want to explore the next level of your self-practice and/or teach these elements to your clients.

Who is Muse Alchemy not for?

Anyone who thinks they understand themselves/movement medicine completely. In order to learn, you need a beginners mind and a healthy dose of, “I’ll never have all the answers in this lifetime.”

I’m not a coach; is Muse Alchemy for me?

If you want to move/be in your body in a new way, absolutely!

What if self-expression is really hard for me?

Muse Alchemy meets you wherever you are. This is for advanced movers and beginners alike. You are the one who controls the level of depth that you bring yourself too.

Do I have to finish in the 7 days?

Absolutely not. Integrate and expand. You’ll have this for the lifetime of SoulWork.

how it works-01.png

1. You sign up for the program today by purchasing on my Thinkific site.

2. You’ll create an account if you don’t already have one and get immediate access to all of the amazing video practices.

3. You practice on your own and apply these practices to your work!


I can’t wait to hold you in this process.