Posts in popularpost
On Having Many Loves | Polyamory & Life Purpose

It’s 3am, here in Tulum. I’m lying next to a beautiful Argentinian man that I barely know. Two days ago, he said, “I love you.” I said it back.  I hear him snore, deep in sleep, and ask myself, “Will people think that I am foolish for loving so freely?” I think about my other partners and lovers wondering, “Is it possible to have it all?”

So what do these sweet bedside reflections have to do with my job as a Soul Coach?!

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Caroline Mauro

Divine Signs, A Crystaline Hike, & A Blossoming Business 

Caroline Mauro shares about finding the light during a dark time that illuminated her life path from which INDA creations was born. Now she creates healing products, inspired by Mama Earth. Be captivated by beauty, soul, and the incredibly rich sense of style and purpose that Caroline brings to her work.

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Linda Dieschbourg

Keeping creativity alive on the road from Crete to Chang Mai

My purpose in life is to thrive in creativity, to explore different versions of what happiness can mean and to give back and/or to have somebody to share this with. Luckily, I already have the perfect person to do this with: my husband, partner and soulmate David which I have known through 8 years of evolving together as human beings.

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​Jen Boschma + Annie Walker

making jewelry with rural artisans + non-profits to help end poverty + injustice in the world

One of my hardest moments came about 6 months after I quit my job and sold everything (the very romantic story I shared above). My reserve savings was drying up, and in the same week I lost my part time job, my car was towed twice (a $1000 price tag) and my rent doubled unexpectedly. I literally found a quarter on the sidewalk and deposited it into my bank account and ate my roommates stale tortillas (thank you Julie Ordonez). I was that broke. I remember walking around Los Feliz (no car remember), where I was living at the time, and praying, begging, for the trials to stop. I was at the end of what I could handle and I needed help, a break. I wanted to quit. But something happened, and I didn't. I chose to stay in it. And things slowly, in teeny tiny steps, started coming together. A kind person picked me out of the audience at a game show and I won the exact amount I needed to pay for my tow tickets. A friend got me a job at a restaurant. Family members bought my jewelry. People took risks on me and introduced me to others who would ultimately build into the story that I'm living now. And today, 7 years later, I'm just dipping my toes into the dreams I've had forever. I think the journey can be a slow one that is built on the kindness of others, and made up of a bunch of times saying yes when you feel like you want to give up.

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On Being A Jungle Gypsy | Lauren Lee

Sharing the gifts of holistic health through transformational events around the world

As a 22 years old female my loving (and very wise) mother encouraged me to do some sort of exchange work for the first months to help me acclimate. I listened, surprisingly, and landed on a small palm-lined beach in tropical South Goa at a yoga retreat. My mind and heart was blown open. I lived in a plywood hut with a sand floor, alongside the 6 Nepali boys who worked with me, 10 meters from the ocean with about 20 pieces of clothing — and had never felt so fulfilled in my entire life.

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Sarah Magidoff

CANOPY | Big ideas with unforgettable brand design.

I love, love, love people. I love dreaming together, I love encouraging one another, I love seeing life from someone else’s eyes, I love moving toward goodness together.

But that’s not always what my daily work life entailed. Starting out as an architect, I designed high-rise buildings for big-time corporations. I loved the work, but after many years in the field I discovered my soul longed for human connection. So, I took a risk, left my job, and began a meaningful search for what was next. Fortunately, 3 beautiful friends - a jewelry designer, a stylist, and a founder of a nonprofit - asked me to help design some of their brand assets. After three successful deliveries, I was hooked. I discovered that working one-on-one with passionate individuals was so my jam.



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Leila Johnson

FOLK Ayurveda | A Love of Nature and Connecting with Earthy Remedies

What supports me being a soul-preneur is surrounding myself with the right people and with the world the way it is. My team is globally hand picked. I am so grateful for this accessibility and the great collective mix of influencers that I collaborate with.  I love how the world is so available as I am able to have brand designers based out of Stockholm and L.A., my label artist lives in the countryside of Europe, and my business coach and marketing gals are in New York City.  

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Tory Dube

Finding the power to be happy, healthy and wildly abundant

We all have our daily battles that encourage us to play smaller, love less, build walls so we can be safe. I wrestle with the same stuff— whether it’s self-imposed, or people I love dearly just flat out not supporting or understanding me. I know it’s easy to get stuck in the muck— the ‘why am I fed, loved, and safe when other people, just like me, are fighting for their lives around the world?’ muck— but living in fear and shame will never move those mountains. The more I toss my love like birdseed, the more love there is in the world. The more you toss your love and authentic message out into the world, the more love there is.


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